프로젝트명 : CNN을 이용한 스타일 매트릭스 ( 그람 매트릭스 )활용 그림의 화풍을 추출.
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< 스타일을 추출할 사진>
< 아래 사진의 화풍으로 재 구성된 사진>
참고자료 : A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge
Google Colab 노트북 주소 : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oxLoq292ZAfrfiJUaXJri5CaxWn6bdJk
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Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oxLoq292ZAfrfiJUaXJri5CaxWn6bdJk """ from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/gdrive') PATH = "/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/project/Style_Trasfer/" # Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility. !rm -r -f * !cp /gdrive/My\ Drive/Colab\ Notebooks/project/Style_Trasfer/*.py ./ import os import sys import scipy.io import scipy.misc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow from PIL import Image from nst_utils import * import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf # %matplotlib inline model = load_vgg_model( PATH + "pretrained-model/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat" ) content_image = Image.open(PATH + 'images/bird_orig.png') def compute_content_cost(a_C, a_G): m, n_H, n_W, n_C = a_G.get_shape().as_list() a_C_unrolled = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a_C),shape = [n_C, -1]) a_G_unrolled = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a_G),shape = [n_C, -1]) J_content = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(a_C_unrolled, a_G_unrolled)) / (4 * n_H * n_W * n_C ) return J_content style_image = Image.open(PATH + 'images/starry_night.png') imshow(style_image) def compute_layer_style_cost(a_S, a_G): try : m, n_H, n_W, n_C = a_S.get_shape().as_list() except AttributeError as e: m, n_H, n_W, n_C = a_S.shape a_S = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a_S), [n_C, -1]) a_G = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a_G), [n_C, -1]) GS = tf.matmul(a_S , tf.transpose(a_S)) GG = tf.matmul(a_G , tf.transpose(a_G)) J_style_layer = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(GS, GG)) / (4 * (n_C ** 2) * ((n_H * n_W) ** 2)) return J_style_layer STYLE_LAYERS = [ ('conv1_1', 0.5), ('conv2_1', 0.5), ('conv3_1', 0.5), ('conv4_1', 0.5), ('conv5_1', 0.5)] def compute_style_cost(model, STYLE_LAYERS): J_style = 0 for layer_name, coeff in STYLE_LAYERS: out = model[layer_name] a_S = sess.run(out) a_G = out J_style_layer = compute_layer_style_cost(a_S, a_G) J_style += coeff * J_style_layer return J_style def total_cost(J_content, J_style, alpha = 10, beta = 40): J = alpha * J_content + beta * J_style return J tf.reset_default_graph() sess = tf.InteractiveSession() import PIL content_image = np.array(Image.open(PATH + 'images/bird_orig.png').resize([400,300])) content_image = reshape_and_normalize_image(content_image) style_image = np.array(Image.open(PATH + 'images/starry_night.png').resize([400,300])) style_image = reshape_and_normalize_image(style_image) generated_image = generate_noise_image( content_image) imshow(generated_image[0]) model = load_vgg_model( PATH + "pretrained-model/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat" ) sess.run(model['input'].assign( content_image )) out = model['conv3_2'] a_C = sess.run(out) a_G = out J_content = compute_content_cost(a_C, a_G) sess.run(model['input'].assign(style_image)) J_style = compute_style_cost(model, STYLE_LAYERS) J = total_cost(alpha = 10, beta = 160, J_content = J_content, J_style = J_style) # define optimizer (1 line) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(2.0) # define train_step (1 line) train_step = optimizer.minimize(J) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def save_image(path, image): # Un-normalize the image so that it looks good image = image + CONFIG.MEANS # Clip and Save the image image = np.clip(image[0], 0, 255).astype('uint8') plt.imsave(path, image) def model_nn(sess, input_image, num_iterations = 200): # Initialize global variables (you need to run the session on the initializer) ### START CODE HERE ### (1 line) sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) ### END CODE HERE ### # Run the noisy input image (initial generated image) through the model. Use assign(). ### START CODE HERE ### (1 line) sess.run(model['input'].assign(input_image)) ### END CODE HERE ### for i in range(num_iterations): # Run the session on the train_step to minimize the total cost ### START CODE HERE ### (1 line) sess.run(train_step) ### END CODE HERE ### # Compute the generated image by running the session on the current model['input'] ### START CODE HERE ### (1 line) generated_image = sess.run(model['input']) ### END CODE HERE ### # Print every 20 iteration. if i%20 == 0: Jt, Jc, Js = sess.run([J, J_content, J_style]) print("Iteration " + str(i) + " :") print("total cost = " + str(Jt)) print("content cost = " + str(Jc)) print("style cost = " + str(Js)) # save current generated image in the "/output" directory save_image(PATH+"output/" + str(i) + ".png", generated_image) # save last generated image save_image(PATH+'output/generated_image.jpg', generated_image) return generated_image model_nn(sess, generated_image) Image.open(PATH+'output/generated_image.jpg') | cs |
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