Python Library/Machine Learning
- CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device 에러 해결 2021.05.18
- [DNN] Day 04_shallow_neural-net_With_Vectorization 2019.07.28
- [DNN] Day 03_Logistic_Classification_With_Vectorized_Algorithm 2019.07.28
- [CNN] Day 03_vision03_Multiclass_Classification 2019.07.27
- [CNN] Day 03_vision02_Model_Transfer_With_Augmentation 2019.07.27
- [CNN] Day 02_vision01_basicOfCNN 2019.07.27
- [NN] Day 01_introduction With MNIST 2019.07.23
- Day 10_PCA_MNIST 2019.07.21
- Day 09_Multiclass_SVM( Sklean ) 2019.07.20
- Day 09_Multiclass_PerceptronClassifier 2019.07.19
- Day 09_SVM_Sentiment_Analysis 2019.07.19
- Day 08. Perceptron_Classification_Algorithm 2019.07.18
- Day 07_ridge-regression_gradient_descent 2019.07.17
- Day 06.logistic_regression_Sentiment_Analysis 2019.07.14
- Day 05_Multivariate Gaussian_Winery_Classifier_MNIST 2019.07.13
- Day 05_Multivariate Gaussian_Winery_Classifier 2019.07.13
- Day 03.Probability and statistics Review 2019.07.08
- Day 02. KNN Practice with Spine Dataset 2019.07.07
- Day 02. Implementation Of K-Nearest Neighbor 2019.07.07
- Day 01. K-Nearest Neighbor ( KNN ) 2019.07.07