I believe I found a better way to log such custom images to tensorboard making use of the tf-matplotlib. Here is how...

class TensorBoardDTW(tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(TensorBoardDTW, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.dtw_image_summary = None

    def _make_histogram_ops(self, model):
        super(TensorBoardDTW, self)._make_histogram_ops(model)
        tf.summary.image('dtw-cost', create_dtw_image(model.output))

One just need to overwrite the _make_histogram_ops method from the TensorBoard callback class to add the custom summary. In my case, the create_dtw_image is a function that creates an image using the tf-matplotlib.


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