출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGdQHi_wL1Y&list=PLRG6WP3c31_VIFtFAxSke2NG_DumVZPgw&index=7
ros std-msg가 없어서 오류가 나면 sudo apt serch std-msg 검색해서 해당 패키지 다운받을것.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | <package format="2"> <name>ros_tutorials_topic</name> <version>0.0.0</version> <description>The ros_tutorial_topic package</description> <maintainer email="hyeok@todo.todo">hyeok</maintainer> <license>TODO</license> <author email="jane.doe@example.com">Jane Doe</author> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_export_depend>roscpp</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>std_msgs</build_export_depend> <build_export_depend>message_generation</build_export_depend> <exec_depend>roscpp</exec_depend> <exec_depend>std_msgs</exec_depend> <exec_depend>message_generation</exec_depend> <exec_depend>message_runtime</exec_depend> <export> </export> </package> | cs |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 | cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(ros_tutorials_topic) ## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer # add_compile_options(-std=c++11) ## Find catkin macros and libraries ## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz) ## is used, also find other catkin packages find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS message_generation roscpp std_msgs ) ## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions # find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) ## Uncomment this if the package has a setup.py. This macro ensures ## modules and global scripts declared therein get installed ## See http://ros.org/doc/api/catkin/html/user_guide/setup_dot_py.html # catkin_python_setup() ################################################ ## Declare ROS messages, services and actions ## ################################################ ## To declare and build messages, services or actions from within this ## package, follow these steps: ## * Let MSG_DEP_SET be the set of packages whose message types you use in ## your messages/services/actions (e.g. std_msgs, actionlib_msgs, ...). ## * In the file package.xml: ## * add a build_depend tag for "message_generation" ## * add a build_depend and a exec_depend tag for each package in MSG_DEP_SET ## * If MSG_DEP_SET isn't empty the following dependency has been pulled in ## but can be declared for certainty nonetheless: ## * add a exec_depend tag for "message_runtime" ## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt): ## * add "message_generation" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to ## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...) ## * add "message_runtime" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to ## catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS ...) ## * uncomment the add_*_files sections below as needed ## and list every .msg/.srv/.action file to be processed ## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below ## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...) ## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder add_message_files( FILES MsgTutorial.msg ) ## Generate services in the 'srv' folder # add_service_files( # FILES # Service1.srv # Service2.srv # ) ## Generate actions in the 'action' folder # add_action_files( # FILES # Action1.action # Action2.action # ) ## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES std_msgs ) ################################################ ## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ## ################################################ ## To declare and build dynamic reconfigure parameters within this ## package, follow these steps: ## * In the file package.xml: ## * add a build_depend and a exec_depend tag for "dynamic_reconfigure" ## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt): ## * add "dynamic_reconfigure" to ## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...) ## * uncomment the "generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options" section below ## and list every .cfg file to be processed ## Generate dynamic reconfigure parameters in the 'cfg' folder # generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options( # cfg/DynReconf1.cfg # cfg/DynReconf2.cfg # ) ################################### ## catkin specific configuration ## ################################### ## The catkin_package macro generates cmake config files for your package ## Declare things to be passed to dependent projects ## INCLUDE_DIRS: uncomment this if your package contains header files ## LIBRARIES: libraries you create in this project that dependent projects also need ## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need ## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also need catkin_package( INCLUDE_DIRS include LIBRARIES ros_tutorial_topic CATKIN_DEPENDS message_generation roscpp std_msgs message_runtime DEPENDS system_lib ) ########### ## Build ## ########### ## Specify additional locations of header files ## Your package locations should be listed before other locations include_directories( include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) ## Declare a C++ library # add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} # src/${PROJECT_NAME}/ros_tutorial_topic.cpp # ) ## Add cmake target dependencies of the library ## as an example, code may need to be generated before libraries ## either from message generation or dynamic reconfigure ## Declare a C++ executable ## With catkin_make all packages are built within a single CMake context ## The recommended prefix ensures that target names across packages don't collide add_executable(topic_publisher src/topic_publisher.cpp) add_dependencies(topic_publisher ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) target_link_libraries(topic_publisher ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ) add_executable(topic_subscriber src/topic_subscriber.cpp) add_dependencies(topic_subscriber ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) target_link_libraries(topic_subscriber ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ) ## Rename C++ executable without prefix ## The above recommended prefix causes long target names, the following renames the ## target back to the shorter version for ease of user use ## e.g. "rosrun someones_pkg node" instead of "rosrun someones_pkg someones_pkg_node" # set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME}_node PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME node PREFIX "") ## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable ## same as for the library above # add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) ## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against ############# ## Install ## ############# # all install targets should use catkin DESTINATION variables # See http://ros.org/doc/api/catkin/html/adv_user_guide/variables.html ## Mark executable scripts (Python etc.) for installation ## in contrast to setup.py, you can choose the destination # install(PROGRAMS # scripts/my_python_script # DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION} # ) ## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation # install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}_node # ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION} # LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION} # RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION} # ) ## Mark cpp header files for installation # install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/ # DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DESTINATION} # FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h" # PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE # ) ## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.) # install(FILES # # myfile1 # # myfile2 # DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION} # ) ############# ## Testing ## ############# ## Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries # catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_ros_tutorial_topic.cpp) # if(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}-test) # target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME}) # endif() ## Add folders to be run by python nosetests # catkin_add_nosetests(test) | cs |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | #include "ros/ros.h" // ROS 기본 헤더파일 #include "ros_tutorials_topic/MsgTutorial.h"// MsgTutorial 메시지 파일 헤더(빌드 후 자동 생성됨) int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "topic_publisher"); ros::NodeHandle nh; // 노드 메인 함수 // 노드명 초기화 // ROS 시스템과 통신을 위한 노드 핸들 선언 // 퍼블리셔 선언, ros_tutorials_topic 패키지의 MsgTutorial 메시지 파일을 이용한 // 퍼블리셔 ros_tutorial_pub 를 작성한다. 토픽명은 "ros_tutorial_msg" 이며, // 퍼블리셔 큐(queue) 사이즈를 100개로 설정한다는 것이다 ros::Publisher ros_tutorial_pub = nh.advertise<ros_tutorials_topic::MsgTutorial>("ros_tutorial_msg", 100); // 루프 주기를 설정한다. "10" 이라는 것은 10Hz를 말하는 것으로 0.1초 간격으로 반복된다 ros::Rate loop_rate(10); // MsgTutorial 메시지 파일 형식으로 msg 라는 메시지를 선언 ros_tutorials_topic::MsgTutorial msg; // 메시지에 사용될 변수 선언 int count = 0; while (ros::ok()) { msg.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg.data = count; // 현재 시간을 msg의 하위 stamp 메시지에 담는다 // count라는 변수 값을 msg의 하위 data 메시지에 담는다 ROS_INFO("send msg = %d", msg.stamp.sec); ROS_INFO("send msg = %d", msg.stamp.nsec); ROS_INFO("send msg = %d", msg.data); // stamp.sec 메시지를 표시한다 // stamp.nsec 메시지를 표시한다 // data 메시지를 표시한다 ros_tutorial_pub.publish(msg); // 메시지를 발행한다 loop_rate.sleep(); // 위에서 정한 루프 주기에 따라 슬립에 들어간다 ++count; // count 변수 1씩 증가 } return 0; }
| cs |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <launch> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_publisher" name="topic_publisher1"/> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_subscriber" name="topic_subscriber1"/> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_publisher" name="topic_publisher2"/> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_subscriber" name="topic_subscriber2"/> </launch> | cs |
주의 : 그룹으로 묶게 되면 노드의 이름과 토픽명이 /<group name>/<node name> 으로 바뀐다..!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | <launch> <group ns="ns1"> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_publisher" name="topic_publisher"/> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_subscriber" name="topic_subscriber"/> </group> <group ns="ns2"> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_publisher" name="topic_publisher"/> <node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_subscriber" name="topic_subscriber"/> </group> </launch> | cs |
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