참고 : http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=plugins_world&cat=write_plugin

#include <ignition/math/Pose3.hh>
#include "gazebo/physics/physics.hh"
#include "gazebo/common/common.hh"
#include "gazebo/gazebo.hh"

namespace gazebo
class Factory : public WorldPlugin
  public: void Load(physics::WorldPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/)
    // Option 1: Insert model from file via function call.
    // The filename must be in the GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH environment variable.

    // Option 2: Insert model from string via function call.
    // Insert a sphere model from string
    sdf::SDF sphereSDF;
       "<sdf version ='1.4'>\
          <model name ='sphere'>\
            <pose>1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>\
            <link name ='link'>\
              <pose>0 0 .5 0 0 0</pose>\
              <collision name ='collision'>\
              <visual name ='visual'>\
    // Demonstrate using a custom model name.
    sdf::ElementPtr model = sphereSDF.Root()->GetElement("model");

    // Option 3: Insert model from file via message passing.
      // Create a new transport node
      transport::NodePtr node(new transport::Node());

      // Initialize the node with the world name

      // Create a publisher on the ~/factory topic
      transport::PublisherPtr factoryPub =

      // Create the message
      msgs::Factory msg;

      // Model file to load

      // Pose to initialize the model to
            ignition::math::Vector3d(1, -2, 0),
            ignition::math::Quaterniond(0, 0, 0)));

      // Send the message

// Register this plugin with the simulator

Run the code

Make sure your $GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH refers to your new models directory

$ export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$HOME/gazebo_plugin_tutorial/models:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH

Add your library path to the GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH:

$ export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/gazebo_plugin_tutorial/build:$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH

Create a world SDF file called ~/gazebo_plugin_tutorial/factory.world

$ cd ~/gazebo_plugin_tutorial
$ gedit factory.world

Copy the following into the world

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sdf version="1.4">
  <world name="default">


    <plugin name="factory" filename="libfactory.so"/>

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